Bloggers Brunch - Where bloggers and brands get together!

I was really lucky to have been invited to the Bloggers Brunch that was held last week organised by the lovely Christie from Kids Business and was sponsored by Weight Watchers. Christie has a real passion for organising these events and does a fantastic job. Fifty parent bloggers were invited to hear some very inspiring guest speakers talk about their personal experiences and motivated us to keep pursuing our goals.

(Pictured above: Speakers from left to right top row- Christie Nicholas, Melinda Gainsford Taylor, Bernadette Black, Heather James, bottom row Nicole Avery, Susan Jackson.)

I love having goals and knowing what I am working towards. Blogging has certainly opened up great opportunities for me and I definitely walked away inspired to keep on seeking my goals, because they can be achieved.  I have been able to discover what my passion is and my goals and I am on the way to acheiving them thanks to blogging which is where it has all started. I still have a long way to go but I know that I will get there.

Once we were all motivated and inspired it was time to connect with some fantastic brands. Bloggers are very influential as we all know and being able to work with brands is definitely a smart move. Bloggers can give you, the reader - their honest opinion on what works for them and what doesn't. It is a way of being able to read first hand what a blogger's experience is with a product which will help you make a decision on whether the product is for you.

As you all know I love reviewing products on my blog and youtube channel so I was excited to see which brands were on board with the bloggers at this event.

As pictured above Homedics, Garnier, Aunty Rozzy

As pictured above Protect-a-bed, Million dollar woman, Blackmores

Homedics - great massage equipment to use in the comfort of your own home.
Garnier - a great brand with many great beauty products.
Aunty Rozzy - books for children, colourful and easy to read. Encouraging children to eat fruit/vegetables.
Protect a bed - great bedding merchandise to protect the family from
Million dollar woman - Insurance for mothers who may become ill or unable to look after their children.
Blackmores - great multivitamins and other products to help maintain a healthy wellbeing
Weightwatchers - the sponsors of the event, great for those looking at improving their lifestyle eating habits.

I was also part of a filming panel along with four other bloggers and we were able to have a live discussion on the products that were there, which was filmed by the TV show 'Room to Grow' on Channel 31.

It was fantastic to be able to meet so many great bloggers that I have interacted with online for many months now. (You all know who you are!)

Here is the official summary of the event  - Yes that is me talking about how much I loved it!

Have you been to a blogging event recently? Do you have any goals?

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