A very important accessory item for me is my handbag. I'm sure a lot of ladies will agree. A handbag is important because we carry everything we need in it. So there is a certain type of bag that I like. It has to be a decent size, a tote bag, with strong handles, and good lining inside. After many months of looking and trying out different bags, I found my absolute favourite bag a few months ago. I had to share it with you.
A Guess tote bag! I bought this bag from Strandbags. It wasn't cheap but it was on sale when I picked it up which was great and totally worth it.
I would have preferred black but they only had the grey in stock. It has a lot of space and a side pocket inside and on the outside. Easy to close and open and I can fit everything in it. I don't know what I will do when I wear this bag out. I love it so much!!
What is your all time favourite accessory that you love?
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