Bullying is not ok. Bullying is awful. Bullying is treating someone like they are nothing. Bullying is not right. Bullying is crossing the boundaries. Bullying is overpowering others.
It makes me mad and frustrated when I hear about bullying. Bullying is so personal and can create issues for the victim that are going to stick with them for the rest of their lives. Bullying needs to be addressed immediately and stopped. I'm sure everyone has seen the recent case of bullying that was caught on tape and shows how the victim stands up for himself.
He is a hero for being able to stand up and show the bully that he is a human being and doesn't deserve to be treated like that. No one deserves to be treated like that. Bullies need to stop. We are all human and yes we all look different, act different, dress different. That doesn't mean that we deserve to be bullied.
When my son tells me about the times where he has been picked on, or tripped or hit, I ask him why he doesn't stand up for himself. His response is 'Mummy I'm scared, they might hurt me even more so I just wait till I feel better and run away from them'.
How sad is that? Why do children feel that it is ok to make another child feel hurt? Why do children want to see others in pain? Why does being different mean you are a target for being bullied?
It has to stop and it begins with parents responsibility to teach their children that its ok to be different, and that you don't go around hurting others because you don't like them or because they are different.
It has to be addressed at school, when a child lets a teacher know that they are being hurt, teachers need to take this seriously and address it immediately.
We all need to talk and communicate with our children and address any issues they may have. Don't ignore them.
Bullying is a national problem and happens everyday. Our children need to feel safe and know that they are beautiful, a great individual and that is ok to be themselves.
Whether you have been bullied at school, in the workplace, or at home- its not right, stand up for yourself. You are worth it.
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