No matter how old you are there are things you can put in place to help prevent your skin from aging quickly.
The signs of aging skin that are most common are wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, under eye puffiness, circles and sagginess.
Here are three tips that if applied everyday will help overtime to prevent your skin from aging :
1. Use sunscreen everyday - Staying out of the sun is the best way to avoid the sun and no matter what the weather is like or what season we are in - you must wear sunscreen. There are many day moisturisers that have SPF in them these are the ones to use. Over exposure to UVA or UVB rays will create skin damage and premature skin aging.
2. Use a cleanser and moisturiser - There are many cleansers that are mild and cater for all skin types. Use a cleanser instead of soap they are gentler and cleanse better than soap. Moisturisers will help keep your skin hydrated and nourished.
3. Drink water and eat well - Drinking water will keep your skin feeling smoother.Water washes all the toxins out of the body which will help keep the skin smooth. Eating fruit and vegetables is great to help keep you skin clear.
There are many anti aging products out there that can help prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Be sure to buy products that suit your skin type and check the ingredients to ensure that the product is actually good for you!
Are you trying to prevent aging? What do you do or use ?
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